Vegan Cheese?
I get it. You want to go vegan, but you can't give up cheese! Cheese is addictive. When cheese is consumed the active ingredient, caseine, which is a morphine derived compound. So, your cheese can be your heroin addiction. Both are bad, yet cheese is the lesser of these two opiotes. Vegan cheese? Do vegans really eat it? Vegan cheese is often times disgusting. Of course this is my preference, yet any vegan will tell you it's just not the same. The texture is hard to achieve, and not enough salt in the world can mimic the taste of real cheese. My philosophy was if I was cutting out cheese, I was cutting out the cheese pizza, lasanga, everything. Never was I trying to recreate these dishes. Adjusting is easier when introducing new foods into your diet, instead of being dissapointed when trying to mimic the non vegan foods. So if I wanted to try vegan cheese, what brand is the best? Many are familiar with Daiya, which creates vegan cheese. This brand in my opinion...